hello my name is paul shim

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And I’ve been living with a camera in my hands for over 10 years now. I remember the first camera I ever bought, it was the biggest purchase I had ever made at the time. What I didn’t know back then was how much it would affect the rest of my life.

That feeling of snapping the perfect photo is unmistakable. That feeling of pride, a sense of accomplishment, and overall happiness when you see a photo you’ve taken. We have all experienced this to a certain extent now that camera phone technology is so advanced. What’s even better than that feeling is the reaction of clients when they see their images for the first time.

In the past 10 years camera technology has advanced and changed drastically. Even though I don’t use my original camera I purchased over a decade ago, that feeling of taking photos has never left me. My passion for photography has never left me. I’ve never felt like I’m just working another job with photography. I’ll never get tired of chasing after that perfect photo and delivering images to happy clients. I’ve never worked a day in my life with a camera in my hand, I’m just living it.